Welcome to the Crouthamel Cattle Co.
We are a Registered Angus seed stock operation located in the Walla Walla Valley, SE corner of Washington State. Our goal is to produce high quality, “real-world” cattle that have the right balance of function and performance. We strive to meet the individual needs of our customers, and have been fortunate to develop many lifelong relationships and become the main genetic supplier for some of the best commercial herds in the West. Over the years we have been given many opportunities to help market our customers’ cattle: feeder calves, replacement heifers, downsizing a mama cow herd, etc, and it has been rewarding to see the Crouthamel Cattle genetics at work.
We currently have 300 spring mam cows and 50 fall cows. They have all had to earn their place on the ranch. The fundamentals are not overlooked: Udders, feet, the ability to get a new calf up and going, etc. We utilize an extensive ET program that allows us to carry out the genetics from the top-proven cows within our own herd.