Purchased Herd Sires

JVC Emulation EXT V910
Registration Number: 16471392 (View pedigree and EPDs.)
Date of Birth: January 16, 2009
Emulation N Bar 5522
Sire: N Bar Emulation EXT
N Bar Primrose 2424
Ideal 7407 of 1418 4465
Dam: Ideal 2434 of 7407 7412
Ideal 2434 of 7407 7412
We acquired V910 in 2015 after having the opportunity to come upon him at Pioneer Angus in Washington. This is the kind of bull that makes you stop, even if you weren’t in the market for a herd bull that day. This sire was like no EXT son we had ever seen. Individually, he is a tandout and our kind of bull regardless of pedigree. Moderate frame, long bodied, square hipped with a great hind leg. He is deep sided, big middled, and moves around effortlessly.
On paper, he offers a very unique pedigree combination of two linebred individuals that not only cuts down the genetic diversity in matings, but also offers a bit of an outcross to current bloodlines. His EPD profile also shows solid performance and a $Beef Index in the top 10% of the breed.
The real selling point, however, was seeing the daughters in production at Pioneer Angus in WA. Each of them were moderate framed, easy fleshing, high volume, had impeccable udder quality and teat size, and had huge calves alongside them as well. That visit sealed it for us to procure the bull.

Bluegrass Chisum 444
Registration Number: 17952624 (View pedigree and EPDs.)
Date of Birth: January 9, 2014
Owned with: Camas Prairie Angus Ranch, Grangeville, ID
S Alliance 3313
Sire: S Chisum 6175
S Gloria 464
Connealy Contrast
Dam: Bluegrass Primrose Lady 907
Bluegrass Primrose Lady 705
“Chisum” was our selection at the 2015 Midland Bull Test Sale where he had excellent performance. Like everyone else, we were looking for a calving-ease bull with outcross genetics and lots of eye appeal. We felt no bull did it there better than this one. He had excellent individual performance with a 112 wean ratio, 111 yearling ratio, and also posted a 128 gain ratio in the most accredited bull-test sale in the country.
However, the most appealing part of this bull and what caught our eye first was a moderate-framed, easy moving individual that had all kinds of internal dimension and center cavity. He tracked out wide and also sets down on excellent bone and foot size. If there was ever a bull that looks like he would make some easy keeping, productive daughters – this guy is it. He came in this fall with as much flesh as he had when turned out, and we can’t wait to get daughters in production.
An added bonus we have found this past year is the bull has an excellent nature and disposition as well. Calving-ease has held up with an average progeny ratio of 97 on this first calf crop. We look forward for more to come here.